Grant Proposal Project

All Global Scholars have the option to write and propose a grant project. 

For my Grant Proposal project, in collaboration with a school panel/fund, I've chosen to represent Claris
Health, a Los Angeles-based non-profit started over 40 year ago by a group of women looking for clarity
(Claris) in their health care. In the last ten years, Claris has counseled and cared for over 13,000 women
through their pregnancies and sexual-health choices. Their unique approach to healthcare is client led,
transparent, integrated, and long-term. Claris offers pregnancy testing, STD/STI testing, pap smear tests,
Ultrasound imaging, health screening, and prenatal care either free of charge or for a minimal cost.

I am pleased to present this proposal in hoping to provide Los Angeles-based pregnant women with
outstanding prenatal care and education through Claris Health’s group-based prenatal program at their
Inglewood clinic. Quality, affordable prenatal care is key to improving infant and maternal outcomes,
yet according to the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, only 35.7% of mothers without
insurance received adequate prenatal care and 48.6% had fewer than nine prenatal visits in 2017. The
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health reports over 13% of Black mothers and nearly 10%
of Hispanic mothers received no prenatal care in their first trimester, greatly increasing health risks for
both the mother and the baby. The objective of Claris’ prenatal program is a healthy mother and a healthy,
full-term baby. 

In 2019, Claris Health reported 2,405 total pregnant patients and partners served. After receiving
education and support at Claris, 85% of patients were deemed equipped to parent the way they wished,
and 99% of clients were satisfied by their experience with Claris’ services. Claris is reaching expectant
parents with hope and comprehensive education before, during, and after pregnancy. 

Claris has seen measurable success and gratitude in serviced communities and is now seeking to reach
even more patients in 2020 to provide community support for Angeleno women as pregnancy and labor
continue to pose a risk, disproportionately for Black and Hispanic mothers. Our proposal requests
$5,000 to fund the prenatal care of ten patients over ten, 90-minute visits which includes evaluation and
education from medical staff and supports maintenance of the Inglewood clinic. 

I am requesting $5,000 to support ten women through a ten-visit prenatal care program at Claris Health’s
Inglewood Clinic. 

I will present my Grant Proposal to the panel in late January.


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